Reproductive Options

Is Surrogacy Right For You? Considerations When Becoming A Surrogate

Surrogacy is an extremely personal and life-altering decision. For those considering becoming a surrogate, the journey involves a complex blend of emotional, physical, and ethical considerations. Here, we explore some of the key factors to help you determine if surrogacy is the right path for you.

Making Sure You’re Qualified For Surrogacy

Ultimately, with every pregnancy, there is risk. Because of that, here at Reproductive Options, we take care to remember the family that is on the other end of this. That’s why there are qualifications that you must meet in order to move forward, both for your health and the baby’s. Some of the most important qualifications are below.

Are You A Mother?

Surrogates are required to have had one or more successful pregnancies and deliveries of their own to demonstrate their ability to safely carry a pregnancy to term without significant complications. 

Are You The Appropriate Age?

Your age is a crucial factor in becoming a surrogate because it directly impacts your physical health and pregnancy outcomes. To become a surrogate, you must be between 21 and 39. This age range is typically associated with lower risks of pregnancy complications and higher chances of successful implantation and healthy births.

Do You Have Financial Stability?

The compensation surrogates receive is meant to act as supplement income. It should not be your main or sole source of revenue. Regardless, it’s important that the financial component isn’t your primary motivation. Because of the risk and complexities involved, surrogacy should be approached with a genuine desire to help others, rather than as a financial necessity. 

Often, surrogates use the compensation to benefit their own families, including down payments on a home, financing their children’s college funds, or traveling.

Do You Have A Healthy BMI?

There are a number of reasons that a woman’s BMI is important to her eligibility as a surrogate. A higher BMI has been associated with many kinds of dangerous pregnancy complications like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and more. That’s why, for the safety of everyone involved, you must have a healthy BMI.

Our team is happy to help answer your questions surrounding your BMI, and whether it’s within the guidelines of eligibility for surrogacy.

Do You Have A Support System?

Surrogates should have a strong support system in place to help them through the physical and emotional challenges of surrogacy. This typically is your immediate family, but could include your friends, a surrogacy community and your extended family. 

The purpose of this is not only to help hold you up during the emotional rollercoaster that is pregnancy, but also to help with things like household duties, child care and anything else that may be needed along the way. 

Find out more about the qualifications required here.

Your State Laws & Surrogacy

State laws play a significant role in determining whether you can become a surrogate, as surrogacy regulations vary widely across the United States. 

Some states, like California and Colorado for example, have surrogacy-friendly laws that provide clear legal frameworks and protections for surrogates and intended parents. But that is not the same across the board – states like Michigan and Louisiana have restrictive or unclear surrogacy laws, which can complicate or even prohibit surrogacy arrangements. 

Understanding your state’s legal stance on surrogacy is crucial, as it affects everything from the enforceability of surrogacy contracts to the legal recognition of parental rights. If you have questions about the feasibility of surrogacy in your state, then our team would be happy to help answer them!

Long Term Considerations

Beyond the considerations required for you to become a surrogate, there are a range of items that you also must think about before you can take the first step. These considerations are critical to share with your surrogacy agency as early on as possible, because they will be considered in the matching process.

Post-Surrogacy Relationship

Think about your desired level of involvement with the child and the intended parents post-birth. It’s becoming more and more common for surrogates to form strong bonds, and stay in touch with the families they help to grow – but this isn’t required. Establishing these boundaries and expectations early can help manage future relationships, and ensure you’re matched with parents that share the same ideals. 

Your Family’s Involvement 

More often than not, any romantic partner that you may have during the surrogacy process will require blood tests and some form of evaluation – this is ultimately to ensure the health of the baby you carry. This is an expectation that must be set early on, because it’s required for your surrogacy journey.

Beyond this though, you may also want to consider the involvement level of your children. Educating them on what is happening, and why you’re carrying this family’s baby can help this to be a beautiful experience for them. 

Your Future Health

Consider the potential long-term impacts on your health. Pregnancy and childbirth carry inherent risks, and it’s crucial to evaluate how surrogacy might affect your long-term well-being.

Deciding to become a surrogate is a big step, and not one that should be taken lightly. Understanding the emotional, physical and legal implications are essential steps in determining if surrogacy is right for you. 

Surrogacy offers a unique opportunity to make a significant difference in someone’s life, but it requires thorough preparation and thoughtful consideration. You don’t have to do this alone though – choosing a surrogacy agency, like Reproductive Options, means that you have a team behind you, helping you make informed decisions that align with your values and capabilities, ensuring a positive and fulfilling surrogacy experience.

Got questions? Reach out to our team today.

Family laughing together at kitchen table.

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Here, we are not just another big agency, and you will not just be another number.
Family laughing together at kitchen table.